You will see three dots right in front of the song. Step 2: Take a look at the track which you want to listen to. Step 1: First things first, open the browser. Follow the steps, and you should be able to play the song. We will explain how you can do that properly. One of the simplest tasks you can do is copy the link, and paste it on the browser directly. Sometimes the Web Player can face issues while loading track of the site.

Step 6: Now try to play a song to check whether the problem has been resolved.

Step 5: Go to the Web Player on the browser and then select the “connect” button. After that hit the Listening on Web Player (your browser’s name) Step 4: You will see this phone option on your mobile phone, you need to click on that, and then wait for around 2 minutes. Step 3: You need to click on the setting cog, and from the drop-down menu choose devices, Step 2: Now take your tablet or phone, and open the Spotify application. Step 1: On your computer, open the Web Player. Follow the step-by-step guide to resolve the problem. If you have logged into different devices, such as your laptop, mobile phone, and tablet, sometimes, switching from one device to another can cause this issue. Spotify Web Player Not Playing: Common Solutions Tip 1: Refresh Selected Drive Spotify Web Player Won’t Play: Best Solution Spotify Web Player Not Playing: Common Method